Saturday, August 18, 2007

How to Solve Relationship Problems

Relationship problems with your spouse, family, co-workers, or friends affect your personal growth, success and well being. If you value relationships, you need to make good choices and be committed to make them work. I sincerely believe the following are actions you can take to start to build healthy relationships.


1. Understand each others personal values. Misunderstandings and conflicts happen when your values conflict with those of others and when expectations are not met. You can let others know what your values are by telling them. You can find out about others values by asking questions or observing their actions. Knowing what’s important to others and yourself will avoid unnecessary conflicts.

2. Learn to listen. All people want to be taken seriously and be appreciated. When you listen attentively without interrupting you are showing respect. Allow people to tell you; the books they have read, the things they did and how they feel. Listening will give you the opportunity to know their values and expectations.

3. Show kindness. You can Smile, it is the simplest act to show friendliness. Make others feel your warmth by offering help and kind words. Acknowledge their talents and achievements. Give praise and appreciate their efforts. Show it in your tone of voice, your posture and your actions.

4. Avoid arguments. Remove ego and pride. In arguments people want to prove a point using force, threats and intimidation causing resentment, no one actually wins or benefits. Step back and look at the situation from a different point of view. You are not submitting but altering the outcome by letting others see that you are committed to the relationship and "taking off the GLOVES" and trying to compromise. Forgive people they make mistakes. If you have made a mistake, admit it and apologize sincerely.

5. Give and take. Give what you are comfortable with and accept what other can give. Contribute your time and effort without unreasonable expectations in return. When you do good deeds for others, let that be it's own reward so that you don't build resentments.

6. Share your feelings. Ask for what you want and need. People can’t read your mind. Make your request with a smile be direct don't use "HINTS". Communicate and share your thoughts and feelings with them. Open up and allow them to understand you.

7. Develop trust. Trust is the foundation of healthy relationships. Keep your promises. Once people trust you, you can have a healthy relationship.


* Keep in mind the results you want.

* Remember it is better to be happy than to be right.

* Compromise on everything except your integrity.

* Relationships may come and go but your self respect is everlasting.

* Good relationships require effort but they are worth it.

* Just remember no-one is perfect.

* Read your partner's body actions and check how they are feeling - it should be both sides that need to listen and respect.

Find a better Boyfriend or Girlfriend

Having trouble finding a boyfriend or girlfriend who is just right for you? Want to get closer to someone? Here are some steps to follow.


1.Get friendly.

Be awesome at anything; if you are smart, show it off, if you are funny, make her laugh, or if you are good at sports, give a demonstration. Let people know how you are different. Look far and wide. If you find yourself without 'any prospects', then you are probably not looking in the right places. Think of what you like to do that defines who you are. Ask yourself, where would someone meet me ? If you're into sports or exercise, then look into places where people do those activities.

2. Look for someone who you can easily talk to. The most important part of any type of relationship is communication. If you cannot communicate effectively with your partner, your relationship will probably not go far.

3. Start by first talking and later making friends with the person you think is special. Most people don't like to jump straight into a relationship, especially girls. Find a reason to talk to the person. Make sure that they want to talk to you. Just talk about something that keeps the conversation going.

4. Be yourself and don't lie just to get to a special person's heart. If they find out later and you're in the middle of a deep relationship or maybe a time when you really need that person, they will leave for good.

5. Let the person know that you like them. Beyond the cheesy sending a note through a friend, talk to them about something you both have in common. School, parents, teachers, vacations, etc. Anything besides a relationship should be fairly safe territory.

6. Flirt. Flirting is a fine activity if you are interested in people who like to flirt. The social and playful activity certainly draws attention and can lead to a relationship. If it is not you, then don't bother, it is better to be yourself.

7. Take things slowly. Don't be too needy. They'll think you're just an annoying friend and you probably don't want them to think that. That special person might actually ask you over or on a date, which doesn't necessarily mean that he or she is into you. Give it time and things could work out. Once you have established 'first contact', remember not to squeeze the person. Try to continue doing your normal routine, with them in mind, rather than changing your whole life around them. Hopefully they will want to have a relationship with YOU, not a clone of themselves or a tag along.


* Try to look nice -- looks count for first impressions.

* If a girl only thinks you are talking to her because you want to "get with" her, she will not be too interested. Make it more meaningful.

* Try to be close with the person's family. It will strengthen the relationship.


* Never compromise your morals. If the person you are interested in is not interested in you, let them know your intentions, they could abuse your attraction to their benefit.

* If you feel like you need time to decide, do not hesitate to take it. Your goal is finding a good mate for a relationship. If something feels wrong, think things through twice before acting.

* To really get to know a person, try to delay intimacy as much as possible so you'll be able to make the best objective decision on whether or not this will be a good relationship for the both of you. Many people find it difficult to see people for what they really are, after they've started an intimate relationship. Even though you want to take someone passionately. Try small gestures, like hand-holding, pecks on the cheek. This is really recommended for women and if you feel like abstaining from intimacy for a period of time is almost unbearable, just keep your mind focused on how good of an "investment" you are making for your future, by just a little patience and sacrifice of your time now.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

How to Hint for a Kiss from a Guy

In most societies around the world, it's traditionally up to the guy to initiate a couple's first kiss. If you're a girl, this takes a lot of pressure off you, but sometimes it can be frustrating if you want to be kissed but your guy is a little too shy to try to kiss you.

Here's how to hint that you would like to be kissed.


1. Be inviting.

Because of respect for your wishes (and the fear of rejection) a guy generally won't try for a first kiss unless he's pretty sure you want him to. If you do, you should try to make him feel comfortable and confident. Flirt with him, laugh at his jokes, smile a lot, and compliment him. If you put him at ease and let him know you enjoy being with him, he'll usually find the courage to try to kiss you.

2. Break the "touch barrier."

Touch him lightly on the arm or shoulder when you're talking. Just make it a quick, innocent touch and don't make a big deal out of it. Holding hands is also a good way to break the touch barrier. The simple act of touching can strengthen the intimacy between you and him. Sometimes a guy will break the touch barrier, and if you're comfortable with him doing so, touch him back. But don't wait for a guy to make the first move here, because girls can generally get away with breaking the touch barrier earlier in a relationship than guys can.

3. Look to his lips.

When you're alone with a guy and want to be kissed, make eye contact and then move your gaze briefly down to his lips. Then move your eyes back up to meet his and smile demurely. You don't have to be really obvious about it. Many guys will take the hint, especially if they've read one of the many articles that lists this as a sign that a girl wants to be kissed. If it doesn't work the first time, try again when the time is right.

4. Move in.

You have to be close to each other to kiss, and the less distance a guy has to travel to kiss you, the easier it is for him to give it a try. So get close. When the moment seems right, put your face close to his and look at him expectantly. If you're brave, you could try moving in as though you're going to kiss him. Hopefully he'll take the hint and kiss you, but if he doesn't you can give him a playful little kiss on the cheek.

5. Talk about it.

If the guy isn't taking your subtle hints, bring up kissing in conversation. For example, if you're watching a movie together and see an on-screen kiss, mention that it's "so romantic" or something to that effect. If the guy is really shy, you might just want to put it on the line and tell him that you'd like him to kiss you.

6. Kiss him.

There's no law that says the guy has to initiate the kiss, and some guys--especially if they've never kissed a girl before--just won't take your hints. If you want to kiss him, just go ahead and do it.


* If the guy seems to be talking a lot, especially if he's talking quickly, he could be nervous because he's thinking about kissing you. In this case, an old trick is to tell him, "You talk too much." Say it playfully and with a smile, and maybe even briefly put your finger to his lips as though you're "shushing" him. And then kiss him lightly on his lips and pause for a moment; at this point the two of you should be really close and he will most probably initiate a kiss.

* One way to get a guy to move closer is to pretend to shake as though you're cold. If he doesn't snuggle up to you, you then have a good excuse to snuggle up to him.

* Don't be too heartbroken if you don't get a kiss. The guy may just not be ready yet, or he may not like you in that way.

* Sometimes the first kiss can be a bit disappointing, especially if a guy doesn't have any kissing experience. If your guy can't kiss well, read about how to deal with a bad kisser.

* Men are often afraid of crossing the line because they are not sure if they have read the hints right! It can be easier for all (after building up the mood!) if you are clear about what you want, no hinting, no hidden meanings etc. Put your hands around his waist and say "I want to kiss you now" or something similar.


* Telling a guy he talks too much may result in you annoying him. If he likes to talk, or thought he was actually trying to have a conversation with you, and is TOTALLY oblivious to what you are trying to do, he may take offense, and think that you don't care about what he has to say. Use this technique with caution.

* Never feel pressured to go farther than you want to go. It's OK to just want a kiss, and you can and should say "no" to anything that makes you uncomfortable. Remember also to respect the guy's wishes if he just doesn't want to kiss you.

* If your kiss isn't as romantic as you had hoped, don't worry! Lots of people have awkward beginnings to relationships. If this is the big one, then you'll have plenty more opportunities for kissing (in other words, it doesn't have to be perfect).

* Many guys view hints as overly complicated, especially in this day and age of sexual harassment lawsuits. Often, the best approach is to come right out and say it.